

  • Please do not pester me for responses. I have a life outside of RP and this is just annoying and stressful. I have no obligation to respond to you immediately.

  • Please do not ask me for free art. I may do some random artwork of our muses and might ask you what your muse (if separate from canon or an OC) looks like and/or inform you of the work happening, but do not ask me for art.

  • Muses can be mean at times. If something goes too far, please let me know via DMs.

  • Minors, do not interact, this is an 18+ only account. I’m sorry, but I’m just not comfortable interacting with y’all.


  • Multi-ship via AU, please do not cross ships without permission from everyone involved.

  • In order to ship, you and your muse are required to be 18+.

  • Do not push me into shipping with you. If I’m not interested, I’m not interested.

  • Even if it is strictly SFW, I am not comfortable with shipping with aged up muses. Please respect this.

  • My muses are generally open to anyone and everyone, if you’re interested in shipping just let me know or just like the shipping call. I don’t mind plotting at all.


  • NSFW content like images and threads must be kept within the DMs. I’d rather keep my TL SFW.

  • If you’re going to request lewd, you may be ignored if an indication of adult age is not present on your profile.

  • Please respect my boundaries. If I say ‘no,’ it means no. Do not pressure me.

  • For what I will and will not write, please refer to NSFW Info.

  • If you write anything in the ‘Banned’ category in NSFW Info, you will be blocked on sight, I don’t care. Cry or something.

  • For any and all NSFW content, even simple jokes, you and your muse are required to be 18+.

  • Fetish content makes me uncomfortable, please respect that I do not want it around me and I do not want to see it.

  • I don’t care if your muse was aged up to whatever age, I’m not comfortable with that. Please respect that.